Data labeling

Our expert team ensures your data is accurately labeled so you can focus on innovation. If you're a researcher or a business owner, we're here to simplify the process and maximize your results. Let's get started!

Data Labeling

How we can help

We deliver robust data labeling services tailored to your requirements. With Tinkogroup, you can enhance the quality and utility of your data, moving your AI ideas towards success.

Image tagging

Elevate your image datasets with our detailed tagging, enabling effortless organization and quick retrieval of visual data.

Audio classification

Trust our expertise to accurately classify audio files, unlocking insights and enhancing the performance of your sound-based apps.

Object recognition

Use object recognition to identify and label objects within your data, laying a solid foundation for advanced AI systems.

Instance segmentation

With our instance segmentation services, each object in your images receives precise illustration, enabling nuanced analysis and understanding.

Data tagging and classification

We can streamline your data tagging and classification processes, ensuring consistency and efficiency across your datasets.

Text summarization

Transform large volumes of text into concise summaries, facilitating quicker analysis and decision-making with our text summarization services.

Video annotation

From frame-by-frame annotation to activity recognition, our video annotation services provide the clarity and context needed for comprehensive video analysis.

Semantic segmentation

Through semantic segmentation, you can uncover intricate details within your images, empowering your AI models with rich contextual understanding.

Sentiment analysis

Gain deeper insights into customer feedback and opinions with our sentiment analysis services, enabling proactive decision-making and tailored solutions.

Product categorization

Optimize product management and recommendation systems with our product categorization expertise, ensuring accurate classification and enhanced user experiences.

Why Data labeling matters

Data labeling plays a crucial role in developing and advancing AI and machine learning models. Here are some key benefits of data labeling services.

Improved model accuracy

Accurately labeled data provides a solid foundation for training AI and machine learning models. The resulting models are more likely to make accurate predictions and classifications by ensuring that the data is correctly annotated and classified.

Enhanced model performance

High-quality labeled data helps improve the performance of AI models by reducing errors and increasing precision. This leads to more reliable outcomes and better overall performance in real-world applications.

Faster model training

Properly labeled data accelerates the training process for AI models. With clear annotations and classifications, models can learn more efficiently, requiring fewer iterations to achieve desired levels of accuracy.

Greater adaptability

Well-labeled data enables AI models to adapt more effectively to new and diverse datasets. By providing clear labels and annotations, data labeling facilitates transfer learning, allowing models to use knowledge gained from one dataset to improve performance on another.

Increased efficiency

Data labeling streamlines the data processing pipeline by organizing and categorizing datasets, making it easier for AI systems to access and utilize the information. This efficiency leads to faster development cycles and lower resource requirements for AI projects.

Reduced costs

Investing in data labeling upfront can result in significant cost savings. Organizations can minimize the need for costly rework and debugging during the model development process by ensuring the quality and accuracy of labeled data from the outset.

Our audience base

No matter the size or stage of your business, our data processing company is committed to delivering top-quality data labeling services that fuel your business success.


We understand the challenges and aspirations of startups, where every decision counts towards building a solid foundation for growth. Our data labeling services allow startups to use high-quality annotated data to develop innovative products and solutions, gaining a competitive edge in their respective markets.

Small & medium businesses (SMBs)

These businesses often face resource constraints and operational challenges. Our tailored data labeling solutions provide SMBs with the tools to streamline processes, improve decision-making, and unlock new growth opportunities. So, we're here to help SMBs achieve their goals efficiently and effectively.


Our comprehensive data labeling services are designed to meet enterprise-level projects' rigorous standards and demands. From large-scale data annotation to advanced AI model training, we provide enterprises with the expertise and support they need to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and stay ahead in today's competitive arena.

Industries we work with

Our data labeling company specializes in providing tailored services to various industries. So, we help organizations across sectors utilize the full potential of their data.


Our data labeling services assist government agencies in analyzing vast amounts of data to make informed decisions, enhance public services, and ensure the safety and security of citizens.


We support medical professionals in annotating medical images, analyzing patient records, and developing AI-driven diagnostics tools, leading to improved patient outcomes and operational efficiencies.


Tinkogroup’s experts enable transportation companies to enhance safety, efficiency, and reliability by accurately annotating sensor data, mapping routes, and analyzing traffic patterns.

Financial organizations

Our data labeling expertise helps financial organizations annotate and classify data for risk assessment, fraud detection, customer profiling, and compliance, ensuring robust decision-making and regulatory adherence.


We support e-commerce businesses in categorizing products, analyzing customer reviews, personalizing recommendations, driving sales, and improving customer satisfaction.

Social media

Our data labeling solutions assist social media companies in content moderation, sentiment analysis, and user behavior prediction, enabling them to maintain a safe and engaging online environment.


At our data labeling company, we deliver services to aid insurers in annotating insurance documents, analyzing claims data, and predicting risk factors, leading to more accurate underwriting and claims management processes.


Our data labeling expertise supports security companies in analyzing network traffic, identifying anomalies, developing threat detection systems, and safeguarding against cyber threats and data violations.


We offer services that include annotating legal documents, categorizing case law, and labeling regulatory changes. This supports law firms and legal departments in efficiently managing vast amounts of information.

Our operational flow

Our data labeling services follow a streamlined workflow to ensure efficiency, accuracy, and quality. We aim to provide you with a seamless data labeling experience at every step of the process.

Initial consultation

We begin by understanding your specific requirements, objectives, and project scope. This initial consultation allows us to tailor our data labeling approach to effectively meet your needs.

Data collection

You provide us with the raw data that requires labeling. This could include images, videos, audio files, text documents, or any other data relevant to your project.

Annotation design

Our team works closely with you to design the annotation schema and guidelines. Based on your project requirements, we determine the types of annotations needed, such as bounding boxes, polygons, key points, or text labels.

Annotation process

We carefully label the data according to the predefined guidelines. Our experts employ a combination of manual annotation by trained professionals and automated tools to ensure accuracy and efficiency.

Quality assurance

Each annotated dataset undergoes rigorous quality assurance checks to verify accuracy and consistency. We review the annotations against the established guidelines and make any necessary corrections or adjustments.

Support and maintenance

Our support continues after the annotated dataset is delivered. We provide ongoing support and maintenance services to address any issues or updates that may arise.

Our advanced technology stack

In our data labeling services, we employ a combination of advanced technologies and tools to ensure accuracy, efficiency, and scalability throughout the process.

Annotation tools

We use various annotation tools and platforms designed specifically for different data labeling tasks. These tools may include image annotation software, video annotation tools, text annotation platforms, and more.

Machine learning and AI

These AI algorithms automate certain aspects of the data labeling, such as initial data preprocessing, auto-labeling for repetitive patterns, and quality assurance checks. These technologies help improve efficiency and reduce manual effort.

Natural language processing (NLP)

Our experts use NLP techniques to extract and categorize information from unstructured text data. NLP algorithms also help us annotate text documents, perform sentiment analysis, recognize named entities, and perform text summarization tasks.

Cloud infrastructure

Using cloud computing infrastructure allows us to scale our annotation services according to your project requirements, ensuring flexibility, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

Quality assurance algorithms

We employ quality assurance algorithms and techniques to validate the accuracy and consistency of annotations. These algorithms flag potential errors or inconsistencies in the labeled data, allowing us to review and correct them before final delivery.

Version control systems

To manage the evolving nature of data labeling projects, we utilize version control systems that track changes and maintain a history of annotations. This ensures transparency, accountability, and ease of collaboration among our team members.

What sets us apart

We're your trusted partner in unlocking your data's full potential. Our choices for transparency, expertise, customization, and cost-efficiency set us apart from the rest.


At our data labeling company, we believe in open communication and clarity every step of the way. You can trust us to keep you informed and involved, ensuring transparency in our processes and decisions.


Our team consists of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of the intricacies of machine learning and AI. We bring exceptional expertise to every project and ensure that your data is labeled accurately and effectively.


We've optimized our processes to offer cost-effective data labeling solutions without compromising quality. Using the latest technologies and best practices, we help you maximize your ROI while staying within budget constraints.


At Tinkogroup, our expert team offers tailor-made solutions that align with your specific needs and goals. If you need custom annotation schemas, specialized tools, or flexible workflows, we've got you covered.


We use sophisticated rigorous validation processes to ensure that every labeled dataset meets the highest standards of accuracy. Our commitment to quality ensures that you can trust the data we provide for your business operations.


Our expert team delivers high-quality results within agreed-upon timelines. Our efficient processes ensure you receive your labeled data when needed, enabling you to stay on schedule and ahead of the competition.

Feedback from our customers

At our Data labeling company, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional results and exceeding our clients' expectations. Check our clients' experience to be sure of our Data labeling.


We’re satisfied with how our collaboration has gone.



The quality and speed of their work exceeded our expectations.


Greg White

The team showcased flexibility in accommodating unforeseen circumstances or changing project dynamics.

Greg White

Bill Minnis

I’m mostly impressed by Tinkogroup’s young and enthusiastic staff.

Bill Minnis

Anke Badenhorst

I had a great experience working with them. Their work was of great quality, they were always responsive, and they delivered the project on time. I highly recommend their services to anyone in need of assistance.

Anke Badenhorst

Yen-Ting Wang

Smooth communication and they value feedbacks, which is very important to carry out good work :).

Yen-Ting Wang

Dave L

I have been working with Olga for nearly two years. She is consistent, dependable and does great work. Olga is very good at understanding my requests and what needs to be done to accomplish each task, but she is also good at clarifying anything that I haven’t communicated clearly enough, rather than forging ahead in the wrong direction. Working with Olga enables me to save time without sacrificing quality.

Dave L


I have been working with Olga and her team for nearly 4 years. I now contract out and use them in all 3 of my businesses. They are punctual, dedicated, committed and have a great attention to detail. I could not give a higher recommendation. They are amazing.



Data Annotation Services

Oct. 2022 - May 2023

$50,000 to $199,999

We’re satisfied with how our collaboration has gone.



CEO, Game Graphics Company


Back Office Outsourcing

Feb. 2022 - Ongoing


The quality and speed of their work exceeded our expectations.



Executive, Oberst BV


Back Office Outsourcing

Dec. 2022 - Jan. 2024

Less than $10,000

The team showcased flexibility in accommodating unforeseen circumstances or changing project dynamics.

Greg White

Greg White

CTO, Continuum


Back Office Outsourcing

June 2023 - Oct. 2024

Less than $10,000

I’m mostly impressed by Tinkogroup’s young and enthusiastic staff.

Bill Minnis

Bill Minnis

Publishing Consultant & Company Founder, Education Today

I had a great experience working with them. Their work was of great quality, they were always responsive, and they delivered the project on time. I highly recommend their services to anyone in need of assistance.

Smooth communication and they value feedbacks, which is very important to carry out good work :).

I have been working with Olga for nearly two years. She is consistent, dependable and does great work. Olga is very good at understanding my requests and what needs to be done to accomplish each task, but she is also...

I have been working with Olga and her team for nearly 4 years. I now contract out and use them in all 3 of my businesses. They are punctual, dedicated, committed and have a great attention to detail. I could...

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