Solar Stations Database Creation

Project Type

Data Processing

Project Length

Jan. 2022 - ongoing


IT Services

Their proactive approach of seeking direction when unsure demonstrates a dedication to precision and a desire to go above and beyond expectations.

Spokesperson, Technology Company

Key Results

  • 40000+ solar plants information updated

  • 90% accuracy and efficiency rate achieved

Project Overview

The project's primary objective was to create a comprehensive and up-to-date dataset of solar stations within specific regions. This involved systematically gathering detailed information, including the type of station, its capacity, and other relevant data pertaining to the solar installations. A significant portion of the project revolved around meticulously analyzing satellite imagery obtained from various online maps to accurately identify and characterize these solar stations. The process required advanced image processing techniques and keen attention to detail to ensure the accurate classification and documentation of each solar installation. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and thorough research methods, the project aimed to provide a valuable resource that could aid in the planning, development, and optimization of solar energy infrastructure within the targeted areas.

Business Problem

The client faced significant challenges in accessing accurate and current data regarding solar stations within the specified regions. Existing datasets were often outdated, incomplete, or lacked detailed information, making it difficult for the client to make informed decisions regarding solar energy projects and investments. The absence of precise location data and comprehensive infrastructure details further hindered the client's ability to thoroughly assess the feasibility and potential of solar energy initiatives within the targeted areas. Without reliable data on factors such as station type, capacity, and operational status, the client struggled to evaluate potential opportunities or identify areas for development. This lack of comprehensive and actionable data posed a substantial obstacle to effective planning, strategic decision-making, and successful implementation of solar projects, ultimately impacting the client's ability to achieve their energy goals and maximize returns on investment. Addressing these data gaps was essential for the client to move forward confidently in their solar energy endeavors.

Solutions Delivered to the Client

To address these challenges, a robust and multifaceted solution was developed to create an accurate and comprehensive dataset of solar stations. The project employed advanced satellite imagery analysis techniques, leveraging cutting-edge technology to identify and characterize solar installations within the specified regions effectively. This involved not only the initial identification of solar sites but also a thorough examination of their unique attributes and operational statuses. Key data points, such as station type, capacity, geographical coordinates, and infrastructure details, were meticulously collected and documented to ensure a well-rounded understanding of each installation. Additionally, rigorous quality assurance processes were implemented throughout the project to verify the accuracy and reliability of the dataset. These processes included cross-referencing data with existing sources, performing validation checks, and conducting field assessments when necessary. By establishing these comprehensive measures, the project ensured that the client could make informed and confident decisions regarding their solar energy projects, ultimately empowering them to pursue opportunities with a clearer understanding of the landscape and its potential for growth.

People involved


Chief Delivery Officer


Project Manager


Internet Research Expert